How to Clean a Tile Floor with a Vacuum Cleaner

The Cleaning Coach


How to Clean a Tile Floor with a Vacuum Cleaner

Even though the tile floor is very easy to clean, you really should not get comfortable. If you want to keep the floor pretty, you need to use the best vacuum for tile floors. A tile floor is beautiful and easy to maintain. However, if you let dirt, debris, and water spill to stay for too long on the floor, it will be very difficult to clean them. The color of the tile will turn dull, and the grout will be stained. To make sure your tile floor will always be clean and retain its beautiful color, here are some things you need to pay attention to.

Clean Every day and Clean Immediately

Cleaning the tile floor with a vacuum cleaner is very easy as it doesn’t require any special techniques. You simply need to vacuum like usual, but you need to do it every day before the dust is embedded in the floor. The faster you clean the dust and debris, the easier it will be to get rid of them. Make sure you pay attention to the corners, as dust often accumulates in those areas.

Always Mop After Vacuuming

To make the tile floor looks even cleaner and shinier, make sure you mop the floor after vacuuming. Mopping can be pretty exhausting, but luckily, it is not the case for tile floors. If there are no visible stains on the floor, mopping the floor with a damp cloth and clean, warm water is enough. But if something spills on the floor and you want to get rid of the stain, you can mix some detergent into the water. If you have a wet/dry vacuum, you can also use it to mop the floor more conveniently.

Dry the Floor After Mopping

To prevent the wet floor from catching more dust, you need to dry the floor after mopping it. There are some types of the best vacuum for tile floors that is capable of drying the floor after mopping to make your job easier.

Clean the Grout As Well

You cannot use a vacuum cleaner in this part but make sure you don’t skip it. Esthetically, grout is just as important as the tile floor. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to be cleaned. When water and dust accumulate, the grout can be easily stained. To clean it, you can rub it with baking soda paste and then clean it with a clean cloth and warm water.

Things to Consider when Choosing Vacuum Cleaner for Tile Floor

There are so many types of vacuum cleaners in the market, and one will have a different function from another. Some might be created to clean the hard floor, while others are more suitable for carpets. Therefore, not every vacuum cleaner you find in the market is suitable for cleaning a tile floor. If you want to make sure the vacuum can lift every single dust from your precious tile floor, here are some things you want to consider before purchasing the vacuum cleaner.

Glazed or Unglazed?

It is very important to consider the type of tile floor. If you have glazed tiles, your job will be easier because this type of tile repels dirt. Even a simple sweep can easily clean the floor. On the contrary, unglazed tile attracts dirt more easily, so you want to invest in a vacuum cleaner with more powerful suction.

Hard Floor Vacuum

Tile floor

Tile falls into the hard floor category, and the hard floor is more difficult to clean than carpet. This is why it is best to choose a dedicated hard floor vacuum because it comes with a more powerful suction that will ensure excellent cleaning.

Filtration System

You are dealing with a lot of dust. So, you need to pay attention to the filtration system of the vacuum cleaner. Make sure it comes with an HEPA filter that can deal better with even the smallest particle and electrostatic dust. Furthermore, you also need to ensure that the dust will not be released back into the air when you open the bin to clean the vacuum.

Now that you know the qualities of the best vacuum for tile floors, you can definitely shop with ease. Don’t forget to pay attention to other factors as well, such as the size of the vacuum and its portability so you can clean the floor conveniently.

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The Cleaning Coach

The Cleaning Coach

The Cleaning Coach is a nationally-recognized green homekeeping expert dedicated to educating people on keeping their homes, schools and work areas GREEN.